Fried rice with eggs is a very old cooking practice of combining vegetables and rice. The dish was invented by the people of ancient China, and as the Chinese migrated around the world, the varieties of fried rice became more and more regional. For example, Yeung Chow Fried rice in China, Yakimeshi in Japan, Nasi Goreng in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore, Thia Fried rice in Thailand and so on. In this tutorial, we are going to teach you how to make your first homemade egg fried rice, a taste of the culinary wisdom of the ancient people
1. Cut the spring onion into sections of about one centimetre in length
2. Chill the finished rice in the fridge and set aside, leaving it in the back of the fridge overnight before removing it. (Recommended to prepare one night before you start cooking)
1. Heat the green beans and corn kernels in a frying pan and set aside.
2. Stir-fry the overnight rice in a hot frying pan
3. When the rice has been loosely scrambled, add the whisked egg mixture and stir-fry
4. Stir fry for a while and then add the beans you have set aside
5. Add the chopped spring onions
6. Continue to stir-fry and add the right amount of MSG or salt (add the right amount according to your taste)
1. Bring the oil to a boil before adding the ingredients
2. How much MSG or salt you add depends entirely on your taste requirements.
3. Always use overnight rice
4. Eating with confidence on you own food even though it is your first time to cook:)
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